(916) 789-2552

Enhance your smile today!

February 11, 2016

Thinking of ways to Enhance your smile your smile?  There are multiple different ways in which your dental professional can help!

1.) Tooth Whitening: a gel, tray, or laser which can help remove stains from the outer surface of your teeth (enamel).  Everyone’s whitening capability is different so it’s best to consult your dental professional which treatment is best for you.

2.) Dental Bonding: tooth colored composite fillings can help improve the look of chipped, cracked, discolored and misshapen teeth.  They typically need to be replaced every 2-5 years.

3.) Invisalign (Clear Braces): Braces aren’t just for kids!  In many cases, braces or Invisalign (Clear Braces) are used to treat misaligned teeth, crowded teeth, bite improvement, or too much space in-between teeth.  This can be treated within a few years.

4.) Dental Veneers: thin tooth-colored coverings that improve the appearance of chipped, cracked, discolored, gapped or misshapen teeth. With proper maintenance they ca

5.) Dental Crown Lengthening: helps a “gummy” smile to lengthen teeth which can dramatically improve your smile

6.) Gum Graft Surgery: generally done by a specialist (periodontist) where they transplant tissue from the roof of your mouth (or other site) and place it where the gums have receded.   This is done to help prevent further recession, cavity prevention and for aesthetic reasons.

7.) Enamel Shaping: a quick and painless procedure to smooth rough edges or chips in the teeth; this can also soften boxy or square teeth- effects are permanent.

Give us a Contact information today to see which with any questions you may have about different procedures!  We would love to set up a complimentary consultation for you today!




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